Sex/colour: Creme (blonde)
D.O.B: 2010
Breed: Saluki
Came to AfG: February 2018
JESS had just finished her statutory 8 days in stray kennels, as often
is the case, her microchip was not registered to an owner, details
gained were born 2010 female Saluki not neutered.
Information given, was she was picked up outside a forest area with a
younger male a Saluki cross, un neutered.
Luckily, AfG were able to take her into our care as we had a foster home
available, the male went to another Sighthound rescue where he was
luckily able to go straight to his forever home.
When we picked both hounds up, they clearly knew each other, we expect
the young male was Jess son, possibly from a most recent litter.
Poor Jess was in a bad state of neglect, she was lame and her hips were
painful, had tartar build up on her teeth and her fur was matted.
She seemed totally worn out and by her body condition it seemed she had
been used to produce several litters of pups.
Once settled into her foster home with company of another gentle rescued
Sighthound, we made a vet appointment for her.
Jess had her vet checkup, the vet was concerned about her lameness,
unsteadiness of her pelvis, tender areas around her abdomen and really
of her overall bad condition, so was keen to see her again soon for
xrays,dental and neutering.
After seeing the vet, Jess went to the groomers for a soothing bath and
hair cut, she looked so much better and happier already.
Once Jess had some time for her body condition to improve she was
admitted to the vets for surgery etc.
It was touch and go with her neutering as her womb was in such a bad way
with an infection called pyometra , her uterus was falling apart in the
vets hands, luckily our vet with decades of experience managed to
complete the operation.
x-rays of her pelvis showed nothing serious but the vet said it was more
to do with being bred from for so long, not having adequate care, rest
and good living environment, with muscle wastage, she will now slowly
improve now she will have the care she needs.
Our vet said, Jess was lucky as she could have so easily been lost
during the operation and had she not been found then came to the care of
AfG when she did, she would have likely continued to be bred from, so
on her next menstrual cycle..even worse being bred from again, she would
no doubt not have survived and would have suffered un imaginal
suffering, pain and death.
So fate came to Jess aide (along with the other Lurcher) they happened
to be in the right place at right time to be found.
Jess spent several weeks in her foster home, where her condition all
over improved, with her exercise slowly built up, nourishing meals,
joint supplements and the excellent care she received.
Jess found her forever home, with another male rescued Greyhound who she
became firm friends with.
Jess continued to improve amazingly.
She was photographed running on the beach and photos of her were
featured on a page for our 2019 calendar.
The photos showed just how well this dear senior hound had improved
after all she had been through and as seen, her pelvic area no longer
causes any issues.
Photos below, show the condition of Jess when rescued, improving in
foster care and settling into her forever home, two photos top of her
page showing her happy and in great health.