MERVIN ( named for racing as Balmoral Erin.. Aka: Erins Minder)
Sex/colour: Black Male
D.O.B: December 2013
Last recorded owner: Dean Blackbird
Last recorded trainer: K.Blackbird
Races contended: 40
Stadium: Sunderland
Last recorded race: 15.05.2018
Came to AfG: July 2018
MERVIN was offloaded to a kind rescue, with about 12 other unwanted
Greyhounds from a racing kennels keeping approx 90 Greyhounds, racers,
non racers and puppies of varying ages.
We were told the place was overcrowded and filthy.
So at least some of the Greyhounds were lucky to get out.
The rescue was overwhelmed with the amount of Greyhounds (being of no
further use) but was afraid to leave any behind, so they picked them up
but had already appealed to other rescues and foster carers etc to help out.
Luckily we had a foster home waiting for one and it did not matter the
sex,colour or age, as the carers were very experienced with Sighthounds,
so we were given one of the most nervous males.
Mervin was overall in bad condition, suffering physical and mental
trauma and had not long finished competing on a race track.
His coat stunk and was dull and thick ( from being kept outside), his
skin was dry and flaky, he was lame with 2 noticeable corns on both
front feet.
Once about a bucket full of hair was combed out of him and he was given
a nice soothing bath, Mervin was already seeming happier.
His 40th race was listed as his last only 2 months earlier, where he
had finished far behind the other 5 Greyhounds, finishing 6th with a
comment ‘bumped 1’ so it seems he must have collided with another
Greyhound and suffered injury, which is why we expect he was adjudged of
no further use for racing.
Mervin settled in happily with two other rescue hounds ( a Greyhound
and a small Lurcher) who helped him gradually gain confidence in the
months which followed.
His carers were careful to slowly introduce him to new experiences, he
was particularly fearful of men.
Once he was treated for internal & external parasites, and completed his
inoculations, he was soon ready to be neutered, whereby 2 of his corns
could also be removed whilst under anesthetic.
As the months passed, Mervins overall condition gradually improved and
he became much less nervous of the outside world.
It was great that he was a lucky racing survivor who got to experience a
life of love, comfort and adventures in a loving home.