Sex/colour: male black and tan
D.O.B: Estimated at 2010
Breed: cross breed possibly mix of a Collie and Doberman
Came to AfG: October 1st 2018
OCI (so named as he arrived in our care Oct 1st) He was noticed on a
social media post tagged to AfG.
There was a head and head and shoulder photo of him only, with the
photos not too clear.
So he was said to be an 8 year old black Greyhound, which was doubtful!
but as the photos didn’t show much or even what size he may be but as he
was described as a Greyhound, possibly large, so we felt he may be a
Greyhound cross with perhaps a Labrador.
The worrying information shown, he was 8 years old, in one of the worst
Romanian dog pounds and included on their ‘Death Row’ list.
It is un conceivable how anyone can decide which dogs live and die!.
Sadly, as often is the case, the older larger dogs can be seen harder to
get homed when there are cute little young dogs available.
One of the rescues working to save as many dogs as possible from
Romanian pounds are ‘Happy Tails Rescue’.
So arrangements were made with them, that as AfG had a suitable foster
home ( regardless of his breed, age or temperament etc) we were happy to
take him into our care.
Luckily the rescue were able to save him and place him into emergency
boarding, later to foster care.
He then underwent all required vet treatment, including neutering to
prepare him for his transport to UK.
After a grueling journey he was the last to be dropped off from the
transport van.
He was so happy to get out, explore his foster home and garden have a
short walk then a good meal.
We soon realised Oci was an amazing hound, he just could not be faulted,
so happy and friendly with all other dogs,cats, other livestock, humans,
adults and children.
He became obsessed with his foster carer, Jack, a kind retired gentle
man, who had already fostered several AfG hounds and was able to give
Oci all the time and care he needed.
It was decided, as Oci was nowhere near a Greyhound breed, that it may
be more difficult to find the right home for him, as we are more known
for needing homes for Greyhounds and Lurchers.
And because of his age and whatever he had suffered as a stray and then
in an awful pound, that he may as well stay where he is happy and settled.
So Oci stayed as a permanent foster hound with Jack with AfG covering
all costs for his care.
As he was such a lovely hound, we were able to place several more foster
hounds with him and because of his kind gentle nature, this also helped
new fosters to settle in and gain confidence etc.
Oci often accompanied us on many awareness events and just lapped up all
the attention he received, though his eyes were always on Jack who he
was totally besotted with.
We feel as his bad life did not manage to break him, that at some point
in his life, he was a well cared for family pet, we feel he considered
Jack as his constant companion because he possibly had a similar carer
sometime in his past.
Sadly Jack became poorly and after being diagnosed with terminal cancer,
he sadly lost his battle with it in 2022.
At the time, Oci was the only dog in his home, so we were able to place
him into foster care with people and hounds already known to him.
Later that year we held an awareness event accompanied by several
rescued hounds, including Oci.
We had another foster Greyhound with us awaiting adoption but it was
Dear Oci who got noticed by a lovely family, who took our details, later
that day we received an email from them asking for a home check to
possibly adopt Oci.
This was done the following week, introductions to 2 other rescue dogs
and a cat went well.
So a short while after, Oci then age approx 11, then settled into, what
should now be his forever home.
We often receive updates and photos from the family who say they could
not have wished for a nicer dog.