INGRID ( named for racing as: Jessica lady)
Sex/colour: Female white and black
DOB: April 2009
Last recorded owner: Mr. William Bradley
Last recorded trainer: not known
Races contended: 19
Stadiums: Derry, Lifford and Dundalk ( Ireland)
Last recorded race: Derry 27.05.2013
Came to AfG: October 2019
INGRID was a senior hound who had been taken into the care of charity
WAGI (We Adore Irish Greyhounds) ( previously known as Clare Greyhound
Project) who we had already worked with taking into our care other
hounds they had saved.
We are unsure why Ingrid had waited so many years after finishing
racing, to be able to be rescued.
Ingrid occasionally showed signs of lameness on her hind leg and when
undergoing dental surgery, the leg was x-rayed showing a small piece of
bone which had chipped off the leg, retained inside the muscle.
The vet stated this was such an old injury, so we surmised it could have
been sustained from a racetrack injury years ago but would not be
beneficial now to open her leg to operate.
We had a suitable foster home for Ingrid, so plans were made for her to
be transported from Ireland.
She settled in well to the home comforts and large garden, Ingrid and
her retired foster carer became great companions.
She enjoyed roaming in her large garden and enjoyed meeting various
hounds and humans on her various walks.
When we take hounds either senior and/or with medical issues, we place
them into ‘permanent foster care’ whereby AfG fund all their care.
It is lovely to know even though she waited so many years, that Ingrid
got the life she deserved.