Sex/colour: Female black and tan with white
DOB: estimated October 2017
Breed: Saluki cross
Came to AfG: October 2019
POLLY (previously named by AfG as Willow),came into the care of AfG
from a stray kennels once her statutory 8 day period as an ‘unclaimed
stray’ had ended.
The information given was she was picked up by police whilst
investigating illegal hare coursing activities reported by the farmer
who owned the land.
Dear little Polly came over to police (as if she was asking for someone
kind to save her).
She had been seemingly left behind with 2 male Lurchers when the
trespassers made their hasty getaway.
Luckily, even though risking their lives on 2 major motorways, the two
male Lurchers were later picked up unharmed an taken into rescue.
Pollys microchip details were not registered to an ‘owner’ and no one
came forward to claim her.
So luckily for Polly, she was able to go straight into an AfG foster
home to settle in with another rescued hound, which made her happy.
After time in foster care with all necessary veterinary treatment
completed, Polly was ready to find her forever home.
She met another Lurcher who she would share her home with and all went
very well.
Polly settled quickly and went on to have so many great adventures with
freedom running on the beach and a playful friendly hound to share her
home and adventures with.
We receive lots of great updates from Pollys carers, knowing she was
lucky to escape from the clutches of the people who left her behind on
the field that day and went on to find her perfect forever home.