REET (named for racing as Subzero)
Sex/colour: Female Black
D.O.B: 15.10.2015
Last recorded owner: Mr. Gavin Collins
Last recorded trainer: I.P. Stevens
Races contended: 37
Stadium: Crayford
Last recorded race: 17.05.2018
Came to AfG: October 2019
REET had only been adopted for a short time, when her adopters
circumstances changed, meaning they could no longer keep her.
Luckily AfG were able to take Reet to place into a suitable foster home.
Reet was shy and apprehensive at first, we expect because she had not
had enough time previously, to settle into home life.
Luckily she had the company of other confident rescued Greyhounds in the
home, so we know this helped her settle in quickly.
Many of our foster and adopted hounds accompany us on certain
awareness/fundraising events, which is great as people are able to meet
our hounds waiting for adoption as well as the adopted hounds who
promote themselves as lovable, gentle hounds proving after time with
proper care they settle into life as family pets.
Reet is a great ambassador, as she is so comical laying upside down
wanting tummy rubs and enjoying all the hugs and attention.
Reet was adopted by her foster carers, as once happy and settled, it
seemed unfair to move her on again.
So she enjoys her life in a loving family home and her many adventures.