40mm (1.5″) Martingale ‘Kitsch’ Collars


Genuine Martindale ‘Kitsch’ outdoor walking collars, available in range of designs and colours.

SKU: N/A Category:

Insured by AXA for your hounds safety.
Furnished with solid brass.
At present, only in the designs shown and in Greyhound/Large Sighthound size (which is approx 14″-15″ mid neck) and are adjustable via the slider.

Martingale collars have an extra loop that acts as a safety closure and is recommended for nervous hounds and ones who’s heads are smaller than their necks as they cant slip out of them when a lead is attached and the collar is pulled.

These collars are intended for outdoor walks and not recommended to use as every day house collars as if kept on all the time your hound may scratch at them and pull the threads.
The ‘sparkly’ designs are made with rayon threads and therefore more delicate.

The collar designs shown here are the only ones available from AFG at present, for alternative designs and sizes please visit http://www.kitschcollars.com/


Peacock, Poppies, Swirl, Solya, Jewel, Lancaster, Medusa, Sumac, Hello Sailor, Sailors Ink, Sailors Ruin